Matthew 19:14
“Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Little Snappers
A group for children and babies aged 0 to pre-school age and their parents, grandparents, carers or childminders.
Activities are relaxed and include play time, craft activities, snack time, Bible story and interactive singing with instruments.
Little Snappers meets every Friday during term time from 1pm-3pm at Cookridge Village Hall. No charge; just turn up and join in.
For more information about Little Snappers, do get in touch via our "Contact us" section.
Little Snapper's Leader
Pam Parkinson

Jesus and Me
A group for 4-11 year olds who want to come along, have fun and learn about Jesus. Each week is packed with craft, fun, games and learning about God together.
We meet every other Friday, 6-7pm at Cookridge Village Hall
For more information about Jesus And Me, do get in touch via our "Contact us" section.
JAM Leader
Erin Hodson

GCC Youth
This group is aimed at 12-16 year olds; we have a range of really great activities which always lead to lots of fun whilst getting to know each other and learning about Jesus.
We meet every other Friday, 7.15-8.45pm at Cookridge Village Hall
For more information about WHAM, do get in touch via our "Contact us" section.
Youth Leader
Steve Hodson

Youth Leader
Tim Parkinson

Laminin 117
Especially for young adults aged between 16-25 years old. It is usually a time of relaxed, informal, social time where we have a meal and chat about everything. We study the Bible regularly together and the young people are free to ask questions within a protected, safe environment.
For more information about Laminin, do get in touch via our "Contact us" section.
Erin Hodson

Youth Consent Form
For all our youth work, we require parents/guardians to complete a Consent Form with essential information. This information is held in line with our GDPR policy and is only accessed by our relevant youth leaders. This can be completed on the evening or prior to attending.