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“I lift my eyes up to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth"
Psalm 121 v 1-2

Prior to March 2020, all our sermons are audio recordings, this can be seen on the right hand side below. If the sermon has been preached since March 2020, it will appear on the left hand side with a link to the relevant youtube page. 

Grounded in the Gospel Jonathan Parkinson (16/02/2020)
00:00 / 30:37
Knowing GodJonathan Parkinson (26/01/2020)
00:00 / 30:47
Jesus, the Suffering ServantJonathan Parkinson (16/12/2018)
00:00 / 32:11
Jesus, Prince of PeaceTom Saw (09/12/2018)
00:00 / 31:15
Jesus the true prophetJonathan Parkinson (02/12/2018)
00:00 / 27:24
Who is Jesus?Tim Parkinson (28/04/2019)
00:00 / 23:51
Never miss a sermon

©2022 Grace Community Church, Leeds North.  Charity Reg: 1140281

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